samedi 1 septembre 2012

September bits and pieces - Queen Wild Scraps

Are you excited about the September Bits & Pieces? If you haven’t heard of Bits & Pieces before, it is a fabulous deal held the first seven days of the month at Scraps-N-Pieces. All the store designers use the same colors and theme to come up with mini kits, element packs, paper packs, alphas, templates all at the awesome price of $1 per piece. September’s theme is toys. How awesome is that? Perfect for all those kid or kid at heart photos.
Queen Wild Scraps put together two fabulous mini kits: Boys Toys and Girls Toys.
Here’s the preview for Boys Toys and Girls Toys.
Don’t forget to pick up these pieces while they’re hot, hot, hot! Because after the 7th, they won’t be $1 anymore

 My page with the boyish one :

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